About this project

Project SKY BIKE LANES_Homepage_Sketch by Mei Velas-Suarin [1]

This is about a dream.

A dream about building sky (elevated) bicycle lanes, with solar panels, in Metro Manila.*  A dream about creating a city that is greener, healthier, and more livable.

A dream where every biker feels safe and protected while on the road.

As in every dream, every little step should matter. I, therefore, invite you to make this dream a reality, and together, let us build a city that truly embraces us all.

To know more about how this dream began, please read this article, Of skyways and serendipitous moments – envisioning sky bike lanes for Metro Manila.

To answer the survey through which I can begin the pre-feasibility study, please send your feedback through Survey – Project: SKY BIKE LANES.

UPDATE [as of 11 Jul 2018]: I have completed my master’s thesis (as part of a pre-feasibility stage) and shared the summary of the results of the study through a post in Linkedin. Thank you so much to our God-Source for his ever-present light & guidance, my family especially my husband (JR), my mentors in UPOU, and to all you wonderful friends and respondents!


*Among other things, the first stage (master’s project/thesis) calculated expected reduction in motorized traffic volume and GHG emissions, based on preliminary survey results (n=250). I am hoping that a full FS may be undertaken through the support of the government. It could continue the estimates–based on complete survey results (n=385)–as well as include an estimation of likely health and economic impacts.

Project SKY BIKE LANES_Homepage_Sketch by Mei Velas-Suarin [1]

[Image credit: I have done the watercolor sketch on this page but I’d like to send special thanks to Helga Jaunegg for the inspiration. View more of her art works at Dribbble(dot)com.]